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Photo: Charlie Harris/unsplash.com


This report is the outcome of the project “Urban Agriculture for a Resilient Future – FUTURE UA” financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers and implemented in 2023. The partnership between the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Latvia, Nordregio, and NordForsk enabled the creation of a forum with the participation of several stakeholders for discussing the future of urban agriculture in the Nordic-Baltic context. In this endeavour, three webinars were implemented in June 2023, and study trips to Latvia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden brought together a group of stakeholders from different sectors and interests in urban agriculture.  
In this report, we discuss the future of urban agriculture across different themes, namely (1) cultivating change in connection with innovation and legislation, (2) cultivating community in connection with culture, and (3) cultivating knowledge in connection with education and science.  
While the first theme reflects the potential of agriculture to occupy more space in cities and to be perceived as a desirable urban function through innovation and legislative support, the second theme focuses on the known benefits of urban agriculture for building community and fostering social inclusion. The third theme reflects the momentum urban agriculture is gaining in institutional education through the implementation of programmes that respond to the growing demand for systematic knowledge of urban agriculture at different qualification levels.  
The selection of the cases as well as the purpose of this project was inspired by several projects that deal with urban agriculture (see Box 1).
Box 1: Previous and current research that has inspired the FUTURE UA project 
  • SiEUGreenSino European Innovative Green and Smart Cities (2018-2022). Financed by the European Commission Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, grant number: 774233. 
  • NORDGREENSmart Planning for Healthy and Green Nordic Cities (2020- 2023). Financed by NordForsk, grant number 95322. 
  • TANGO-WTransformative Capacity on the nexus of Food-Energy-Water (2022-2025). Financed by the Swedish Energy Agency grant number 52849-1 under the European Joint Programme Initiative. 
  • Nordic Climate Neutral Cities (2023-2025). Financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers, under the Nordic Co-operation Programme for Regional Development and Planning 2021-2024, thematic group on Green and Inclusive Urban Development in the Nordics. 
This report is primarily a presentation of seven urban agriculture initiatives that tell stories about how different actors have engaged with or support the practice of growing food in cities. The description of the cases was based on webinar discussions, interviews with the main stakeholders of each case, and study visits.
A study visit to Helsinki was helpful in reporting the Dodo case and the visit to Campus Ås, was informative for the reporting of the NMBU case.
These cases provide the context to show how different actors can engage in urban agriculture and food systems, as well as to discuss their challenges and opportunities and to draw lessons from their practices.  
The international exchange of experiences enabled by the different activities implemented in the project and summarised in this report has undoubtedly strengthened the Nordic-Baltic networks. Furthermore, the urban agriculture cases convey stories that can inspire actions towards a competitive green, socially sustainable, and environmentally friendly Nordic (and Baltic) Region assisting to achieving the vision of making the Nordic Region the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030 (Nordic Council of Ministers, 2020). 
This report targets a broad and heterogeneous audience, including planners, entrepreneurs, academics, and the general public, who are interested and believe in the potential of urban agriculture to tackle many of the challenges we face today, such as the climate crises. After reading this report, the reader is expected to gain: 
  • A glimpse of the literature on the benefits and drawbacks of growing food in cities. 
  • An understanding of urban agriculture from different perspectives (e.g., municipalities, entrepreneurs, communities, educational institutions). 
  • An overview of opportunities and challenges for implementing agriculture in cities.  
  • Inspiration for alternative urban futures as the stories told in this report carry seeds for change that can assist transitioning our cities to more functional ecosystems. 
The report proceeds as follows: Chapter 2 provides a brief overview of the benefits and challenges of growing food in cities and notes some of the policies that recognise the importance of urban agriculture. Chapter 3 consists of seven urban agriculture stories that highlight the voices of different stakeholders and their experiences with urban agriculture. Chapter 4 summarises and discusses the main opportunities and challenges identified in the stories, and Chapter 5 concludes with some reflections about the future of urban agriculture.