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The Nordic View on Sustainability
Learnings from the Local Level
Nordic Voluntary Subnational Review 2024
Opening statement
Nordic VSR results at a glance
Highlights from the surveys to Nordic municipalities
Highlights from the interviews about policies and enabling environment
1. Introduction
1.1. Structure of the report
2. Developing a Nordic VSR: process and milestones
3. Policies and enabling environment for localizing the SDGs
3.1. Enabling insitutional environments for local and regional governments
3.2. National strategies for implementation and localisation of the SDGs
3.3. LRGAs role and support to municipalities in localising the SDGs
3.4. Key enablers and challenges
3.5. Key messages
4. Local government efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda and the different SDGs
4.1. Exploring municipal engagement towards SDG Implementation
4.2. Holistic or targeted approach
4.3. Integration of the 2030 Agenda into key steering documents
4.4. SDG Prioritisation
4.5. Critical factors in SDG localisation
4.6. Key messages
5. Actions to create local ownership and leave no one behind
5.1 Current and potential collaboration partners
5.2. Key messages
5.3. Subchapter by Nordic Youth Network on meaningful youth inclusion
5.4. Subchapter by Nordic Civ: Civil society’s role in creating sustainable communities
6. Progress made in implementation of SDG goals and targets
6.1. Measuring progress
6.2. Local SDG indicators and monitoring tools
6.3. Key messages
7. Nordic learnings
7.1. Nordic learnings for national level actors
7.2. Nordic learnings for local and regional governments
Appendix 1 – Nordic Survey: Questionnaire
Appendix 2 – Nordic Survey. Additional charts. Country by country results